This is the most common flea to infest structure. You do not need a pet to get an infestation, but houses with cats or dogs are more prone to it. This flea will prefer to feed on pets first, but will feed on humans. It has a complete life cycle (egg, larvae, pupae, adult). The female lays eggs on the host. The larvae hatches and feeds on the fecal matter of the adult, which is dried blood. The larvae does not like light, so they hide under furniture, beds, and inside closets. The flea then pupates and an adult flea emerges.
To control the flea, the host needs to be treated (K9 Advantix, new chewable methods, flea bath, etc.). All floor areas need to be treated, especially carpeted areas and cloth furniture. An insect growth regulator is added to the product to help control the egg stage of reproduction. Once the treatment is completed, vacuuming twice a day will be necessary to help the adult flea to hatch out of the pupae. A central vacuum is not ideal, but a vacuum with a rotating brush. Vibration from the vacuum is required, not the actual sucking up of dirt. Flea Control, sometimes, can take up to two weeks.